Nothing scarier
"There’s nothing scarier then getting what you want,
cause that’s when you really have something to lose."
cause that’s when you really have something to lose."
"If you're not worth the trouble, then he's not worth the time"
En lite mer "citatisk" dag idag?? Nåh, sådant ibland!
En lite mer "citatisk" dag idag?? Nåh, sådant ibland!
Eat it
"Just eat it. There's plenty of time to be skinny when you're dead."
All things are possible
"All things are possible until they are proved impossible."
"We flirt with bad boys but marry good ones. "
supposed to be there
"If you cant get someone off your mind they are probably supposed to be there"
Gud jag vill ha tålamod, och JAG VILL HA DET NU
Vill, vill, vill. Jag vill så mycket. Jag vill för mycket. (Kan man vilja det?) Mina drömmar och tankar kan visst gå i uppfyllelse en efter en, men värst av allt är ju att jag vill ha allt NU! Jag har ju ingen tid eller orka att vänta... Jag vill ha allt nu med detsamma, helt enkelt.
"Att få allting behöver inte nödvändigtvis innebära att man får allting genast."
Vad skulle vara ett mer passande citat just nu?
"Att få allting behöver inte nödvändigtvis innebära att man får allting genast."
Vad skulle vara ett mer passande citat just nu?
Watch me
We are
"We are not sarcastic; we are hilarious.
We are not annoying; we are just cooler than you.
We are not bitches; we just don't like you.
We are not concieted; we just speak the truth.
We are not obsessed; we are just best friends."
one day closer
"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
We did not change
"We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves."
"We are the perfect couple, we're just not in the perfect situation."
Taking the moment?
Perfect moments
"Perfect moments don't exist, you create them."
Every passing minute
"Every passing minute is another minute to change everything around."
Day to day
"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out."
"I thought I'd forget you, but I guess I forgot to."